Wednesday, February 27, 2013

USA Is Not The Best Country In The World

We talked about this topic in class one day and I was going to blog about it. However I forgot so I thought that I would blog about it today. When Mr. Schick asked the question "What is the best country in the world in your opinion." Almost everyone said there homeland the USA but I said Portugal and that was just a joke that Portugal is the best but, the USA is not the best either. CBS did an article about the ten best countries to  live and work and they said that Singapore is the best country to live in and I decided to read why. It has a booming business and to stay there is not cheap but, there is money to be made there at around 60,000 dollars a year ranking 6th in the world. There unemployment rate is at 2% percent, ranking 14th in the world. For the most part all of there economies are growing or at least not going down and you could say that there not the top at anything, however all of there numbers are solid if not great. The USA ranks 98th in the unemployment rate with an 8.2 rate and 14th (which isn't bad by any means) in the GDP with an average American making just under 50,000 US dollars. Singapore along with highly ranked with fellow Asian business hotspots the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong, represent a quickly rising business in the eastern hemispheric continent. Lots of people from around the world that have the money to invest in building, creating or expanding there business in Asia could be making the best choice for the future. Could times change 10, 20 or even 50 years from now? Probably but the investments done in Asia are benefiting large businesses today and tomorrow.

Glink, Ilyce. "10 Best Countries to Live and Work Abroad 2012." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.
"Central Intelligence Agency." CIA. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.
Citations Provided By

Monday, February 25, 2013

Western Civilization

Today's test was okay. It wasn't so difficult that it ruined my day but it was challenging at the same time. What did ruin my day was at lunch. I went to put mustard and my sandwich and then all of the sudden it would not come out. Then there was lots of pressure and I couldn't press down and then all of the sudden mustard flew EVERYWHERE. It got on me, the table, the dispensers, the floor some of the people that were near. It was an absolute mess! At least I didn't get yelled at but it was awful.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

West Civ

Today in west civ, we talked about Sparta and Athens and how they were different. I learned about the dark ages and that nothing was happening in these times. I also learned about Sparta and how it was much more unsocial than Athens and how they didn't trade as much. They got into major wars and thought that they were the better one in Greece. Athens had trade partners in Egypt and Sparta didn't really trade. Greece also was the first to have there own Democratic government and let the people choose the rules. That is pretty cool knowing that it is an older government that has been perfected over the years.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Western Civ

Today in western civilization I was teaching the class and I did not do as well at all. It was nothing like human geo and I failed. I don't like this group as much as the other to be honest and that class was much more fun. I  really did enjoy them and with this new one, I can say that. I do like some of them but those people mostly are from the other class. I didn't do well and I am not good at teaching the class. I much better at presenting stuff and my group were disappointed that we could present. Me, Kishan and Wrestler had this planned out and everything but o well, Maybe next time, I did like the sound effect though, they were pretty awesome.  I don't really like the room either. I think that that is the problem.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Human Geo

Today in human geo, I watched two boring presentations on Ancient Greece that the people presenting did not know how to present and that made me almost fall asleep. They did not even know what they were talking about and Mr. Schick had to keep correcting them. If I were in there situation, I would make it way more entertaining and so that Mr. Schick wouldn't have to correct me and would just keep on going and just winging it. That is how you present not reading words off a screen and going on to any further detail. That is why I did not like the class today.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Western Civ

Today in western civilization we worked on our powerpoint and that has been what we are doing for a while. Me and Kishan are ready to present and we are drinking water, pumping iron, and eating at subway. I have a request. I have a shirt that has the words wok and roll and it is from Disney. I want to put in on on the day that we present because i'm ready to wok and roll. Tell me in a comment that I can wear it that day for only the presentation. Thank you because it will make it that much better.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Western Civ

Today in western civ we talked about Egypt and how they advanced in there civilization much quicker than others.One perfect example is the calender. One guy saw the patterns in the seasons, stars, and, moons.This was a fantastic invention that has been used for thousands of years. Another is the pyramids and that they were built so well that not even a knife would fit through them. If the king was there he would be proud to see his pyramids. But he is dead so he will not be seeing that anytime soon.

You're Welcome

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Western Civ.....

Today in western civ, it was a nightmare. I and a partner had to go on a web site where there is a game that you have to build your own pyramid. So I was like okay, it's a game, how hard can it be? Well I had to pick a bunch of stuff such as; What angle do you want to have your pyramid at? How many workers do you want? Where do you want  to put your pyramid down? Stuff like that and if you had do many of something or something was not right, you had to start all over again. Then there was this game and don't even get me started with that! You had to take a boat and steer it through obstacles and not to take damage but, the longer your took, you could have been sent back and start all the way from the beginning. Then there was that if you picked the wrong god, then something bad would happen to you. This was awful and stressful and it made me angry.

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