Thursday, May 16, 2013


The Huns came from the steppes of Mongolia.
They took over most of east Europe.
The Visigoths were a German Tribe that took over Rome

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Did I do well?

The quiz was much different today. It was on pure knowledge of the subject. I thought it would be to hard and I was right and no right at the same time. I liked the first question and I can't believe that someone would get the first question wrong! There were only 1 or 2 questions that I could not remember but other than that the test went pretty smoothly. My hand was so tired and was about to fall off, probably because I am not writing that much any more so my hand is out of shape.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Who had the worst persecution of Christians ever? Diocletian
Who was the first Roman Emperor that was Christian? Constantinople
When was Diocletian's reform? 284 A.D.
When was the first Christian books spread? 300 A.D.
How many people were Christians in 300 A.D.? 50

Friday, May 10, 2013

Notes on the boring presentation

Diocletian persecution has the worst persecution of Christians ever.
He burned the churches, all books were burned, they weren't letting any worship and people that were Christians lost their jobs. All bishops and priests were arrested. If any clergyman wanted to be freed, they would have to make a sacrifice to the Roman Gods. All men, women and children had to make a sacrifice to be executed. Constantine built up an army to make a way for Christianity. He built a big capital called Constantinople after him.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Struggles With Rome

In the third century.
Bad diseases spread through the empire.
To hard to fight against the barbarians.
Emperors lost power.
It cost lots of money for a great army.
Lots of poverty.

Diocletian's reform in 284
Increased army.
Divide Rome into smaller provinces.
Now there were 20,000 officials which was 2,000 more officials than under Augustus.

300 AD
60 million people in the Roman Empire.
Several millions are Christians.

Diocletian left Christians alone at first however, he then started to kill them.
Constantine ruled as the emperor from 306-337 AD.

Diocletian  had clergy and other members of faith put in arenas and let lions lose on them.  After there death they would be known as martyrs.   Crucifixion was no longer an option for torture.  Diocletian said that they would be a sacrifice to the gods, for believing in only one God.

Constantine converted to Christianity.
He became the patron for the faith.
Lots of places to pray were built.
Then the Romans had some more Christian government officials and laws came into place.
Crucifixion was illegal to Christians now.
In 331, 50 Christian books came and those were the first spread of the bible.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Civil War

There were a lot of Tiberius supporters but the senate and Octavian turned some of those people in believing that he is a bad person but he was really not. The senate were on him. He was beaten to death because the senate thought that he would become king. His mother was very hard on him and she said that no even her worst enemy had given her that many problems.
What was wrong with Rome,
The soldiers/ farmers lost there land and farms when they returned to Italy and they had low status. The rich bought them out.
War profiteers bounded and traded so they could make big plantations
War profiteers used wealth to buy farms
Then they would make food to eat and sell. 
The Plan
The people were resettled on land that were unused.
Food was given to the poor
The number of farmers would grow.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I have no idea why the Romans would burn Carthage because they could make more money with the land they got. How did they burn the land so fast? All of that in 3 months? They must have a huge hate for the people of Carthage. I would live on that land forever! I like the movie because of the acting is pretty good and the characters have a good story behind them. I am looking forward to the rest of the video. I am finally one happy camper.

This was made on Monday and I just saved it by mistake and did not publish it. I hope that you will understand and give me the credit for the blog. Thank You.

Friday, April 26, 2013


I got an 84 on my test. I am happy about my grade and it brought my grade up to passing. That is very good and now I will not get yelled at anymore. The test was quite easy and had a few tough questions. An 84 is very good for me and I don't get that good of a grade very often.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lovin' The Multiple Choice

I thought that the test was very east today and that it was well constructed. The questions were not to hard and easy to understand what it was trying to say. I didn't even have to ask one question! I also love that the color of the test was purple because it makes it look and feel a bit easier. I don't know why but it really does! I was very happy about how my quiz went and I see my grade going up in the near future. I'm one happy camper today.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bit of notes

9:58 AM

Tarquin was the last Roman King
He had a son who raped a woman and then she committed suicide
Res Piublica- Peoples affair, peoples power, what we know now as a republic
Patricians are wealthy land owners, Plebeians have the normal, middleclass people
Aristocracy created the democracy and there were 300 of them
The people wanted the patricians to come out and say the laws of Rome so they came up the 12 tables that had the laws and the punishments put down
There monarchs were called consuls and there were 2 of them and they had to be chosen by the senate and had a one year term and then take 10 years before they could run again.
At times they had a dictator that only could be there for 6 months in times of crisis
Rome had a very big military that was well trained and they were called the Roman Legion
A third of the population were slaves and they tried to revolted against us
Carthage tries to take over the island of Sicily and fails
Carthage tries to take over Roma and fail
Then Rome crushes them

Monday, April 22, 2013


Carlys music thing was amazing. It was well edited and the pictures were well timed. Now if I had one mine would be much better cause I would be the best rapper ever. I would not have any special name or anything. Now I have to watch some wrestling.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


There is a great soccer team in Rome called Roma.                                                       
They have some really good players on there team. There rivals are a team called Lazio and they want to break each others neck. The best player on Roma is a legend named Totti.
He scores a lot of work.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sounds Like I Missed A Lot

It sound as if I was absent for a month instead of a day. I came back and it was like the whole class had changed. I was not expecting a song that I thought was going to be just a joke, became quite the event and was the whole topic of class today and the day that I was sadly not here for. The good news is that I can finally type without looking at the keyboard! I am so happy that I finally can do this and it took me so long but I finally can do it!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rome Notes


Patricians- Upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest roman families
Republic - in reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision- making power was shared between the senate and assemblies of male citizens
plebeians- the roman common people including workers, small farmers and wealthy people who were not patricians.
Senate- in ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the king and under the republic by the consuls: originally by the consuls: originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well
consuls- in the roman republic two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed there own successors
dictator- in the roman republic, a single leader with full decision- making powers, appointed for a max. 6 month term during times of emergency
tribunes- magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained power to initiate and veto laws
client- A person who provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron
patron- a wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchanges for personal services
pontiff- in ancient Rome one of the republic's leading priests
paterfamilias- the family father in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household
matron - title of honor given to a married woman in ancient rome

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Point Power

I'm ready to pull out the big guns and be the epic presenter. I am excited for this and I think I did very good and I will WOW tomorrow. Do you watch Survivor? It is a very good show. It's really funny when people flip out and lose there mind when it is raining for days. It was epic a few weeks ago. I really recommend the show to you and it is the best show ever! If you get a chance, watch it at 8 on cbs. You will not be disappointed. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This project on Alex The Great actually interests me. I like Alex The Great and he is brave. He was a good leader then any other leader from the Republican party or the Democratic party. He could lead men unlike other leaders like Obama, Bush and others. He could bring people into war and eanr there respect at a young age as he took over when he was 20 years old. What about the NCAA tournament to.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hellenistic- refers to the international period of Greek history, when much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia was under Greek rule.

They lost because when they were in a war with Corinth who were Sparta's alleys, Sparta joined in and started to fight Athens. They were hit by the plague that killed at least 1/3 of the population. They had lots of strengths in the navy but still lots to the Spartans and they gained there land. Still though, Greeks were advancing in civilization.They had to pull there defense walls and had to partner up with Sparta. Athens still had there democracy going for them and it was not taken away.

In 359 BC- King Philip II of Macedonia came to power and moves to control Greece


IMPORTANT DATES:  In a sentence or two, describe what important or historical event took place on the following dates:
1600 – 1200 BC: Mycenean civilization
1150 – 750 BC- Dark Ages
776 BC- Olympic games started
750 – 700 BC- Homer wrote Illiad and Oddessey
508 BC-Athens started democracy, common people threw out Isagaros was taken over, he was unprepared and had to agree to truce and Spartans were taken over, now they turned to Clesithenous to take back over
490 BC- Fidipidis ran in the battle of Marathon
480 BC- Themesticlies created the tririms and that beat Persians and killed King Darius with them and even though they were outnumbered they still won straight of salimus is where they were lowered into
461 – 429 BC- Age of Periclies
447 – 438 BC- they built the Parthanon
431 – 404 BC- Pericluis takes podium and says they must fight Sparta. They had peloponesian war end of golden age, lost 1/3 or 2/3 of people cause of this war, Periclius died because of the plague also
399 BC- Socrates
336 BC- Alexander the Great creating empire

MEN, WOMEN, GODS AND GODDESSES YOU SHOULD KNOW:  In one or two sentences, describe what is significant about the following people (or immortals):
Homer- he wrote Illiad and Oddessey
Odysseus- He was Trojan war hero, spent 10 years trying to come back angers Phosiden and he knocks him off course and many adventures happen
Zeus- Ancient greek god, he was the sky god
Athena- was the patrionist of Athens, was a goddess of wisdom,
Draco- formulate greek laws to one code of laws and very harsh
Pisistratus- he took over because he said he ws with goddess Athena, but he was a tyrant sided with regular folks, lowed taxes gave loans
Cleisthenes- told since birth he was gonna be a leader but was one to warn them of giving tririms
Darius (the Great)- king of Persia during battle of marathon and died
Xerxes- wanted to take down Athens, burned down acropolis later defeated
Pheidippides- ran the marathon and ran to sparta
Themistocles- need to build tririms in case got attacked and
Pericles- he became new leader of Athens he had partner who had equal power chick, got pelopenisian war
Aristophanes- part of red light district
Socrates-Socrates was a man of great logic. He invented the idea of decisions on good and bad and got the Athenian people to think for themselves.
Plato- learned under socrates
Alexander the Great

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I believe that it was unfair when the people of Athens lost the war to Sparta, they blamed the loss on Socrates, the philosopher that believed that the question was more important than the answer. He went out with a bang! When he was put on trial, he said that he should be getting free meals for the rest of his life! He was found guilty and was put in prison. There he had an opportunity to get out but refused. Then at his life sentencing, he was telling people to calm down and they were the ones crying and he was trying to calm them down. That is a weird man.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013


When I was watching the video about ancient Greece, I found it very interesting that the marathon was really originated in ancient Greece. All of that running and he got nothing for it! That is very weird, I mean no water, food or at least a pat on the back? Come on! I want to know what really happened in this story. Also why was king Xerxes on the gold chair? I believe that people should have had a  bow and arrow and just killed the guy and not let him go. I would have just shot him first. I was wondering, how easy would it be if we had the weapons that we have today and how they would fare against these people...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Today's Movie

In Western Civilization we watched the movie on Greece. I liked the part with the Olympic games. I thought that it was very cool on how they only had 4 sports in them which were wrestling, boxing, chariot racing and, running. It was short but simple and that was very cool. I was surprised on a lot of things about the games. All wars stopped for the games and that is something else because if murder can be stopped by games, then the founders sure did know how to put together something for everyone. Also, people didn't  get sponsorship deals or money. They just got recognized for there showings. I think it should be like that today.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

USA Is Not The Best Country In The World

We talked about this topic in class one day and I was going to blog about it. However I forgot so I thought that I would blog about it today. When Mr. Schick asked the question "What is the best country in the world in your opinion." Almost everyone said there homeland the USA but I said Portugal and that was just a joke that Portugal is the best but, the USA is not the best either. CBS did an article about the ten best countries to  live and work and they said that Singapore is the best country to live in and I decided to read why. It has a booming business and to stay there is not cheap but, there is money to be made there at around 60,000 dollars a year ranking 6th in the world. There unemployment rate is at 2% percent, ranking 14th in the world. For the most part all of there economies are growing or at least not going down and you could say that there not the top at anything, however all of there numbers are solid if not great. The USA ranks 98th in the unemployment rate with an 8.2 rate and 14th (which isn't bad by any means) in the GDP with an average American making just under 50,000 US dollars. Singapore along with highly ranked with fellow Asian business hotspots the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong, represent a quickly rising business in the eastern hemispheric continent. Lots of people from around the world that have the money to invest in building, creating or expanding there business in Asia could be making the best choice for the future. Could times change 10, 20 or even 50 years from now? Probably but the investments done in Asia are benefiting large businesses today and tomorrow.

Glink, Ilyce. "10 Best Countries to Live and Work Abroad 2012." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.
"Central Intelligence Agency." CIA. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.
Citations Provided By

Monday, February 25, 2013

Western Civilization

Today's test was okay. It wasn't so difficult that it ruined my day but it was challenging at the same time. What did ruin my day was at lunch. I went to put mustard and my sandwich and then all of the sudden it would not come out. Then there was lots of pressure and I couldn't press down and then all of the sudden mustard flew EVERYWHERE. It got on me, the table, the dispensers, the floor some of the people that were near. It was an absolute mess! At least I didn't get yelled at but it was awful.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

West Civ

Today in west civ, we talked about Sparta and Athens and how they were different. I learned about the dark ages and that nothing was happening in these times. I also learned about Sparta and how it was much more unsocial than Athens and how they didn't trade as much. They got into major wars and thought that they were the better one in Greece. Athens had trade partners in Egypt and Sparta didn't really trade. Greece also was the first to have there own Democratic government and let the people choose the rules. That is pretty cool knowing that it is an older government that has been perfected over the years.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Western Civ

Today in western civilization I was teaching the class and I did not do as well at all. It was nothing like human geo and I failed. I don't like this group as much as the other to be honest and that class was much more fun. I  really did enjoy them and with this new one, I can say that. I do like some of them but those people mostly are from the other class. I didn't do well and I am not good at teaching the class. I much better at presenting stuff and my group were disappointed that we could present. Me, Kishan and Wrestler had this planned out and everything but o well, Maybe next time, I did like the sound effect though, they were pretty awesome.  I don't really like the room either. I think that that is the problem.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Human Geo

Today in human geo, I watched two boring presentations on Ancient Greece that the people presenting did not know how to present and that made me almost fall asleep. They did not even know what they were talking about and Mr. Schick had to keep correcting them. If I were in there situation, I would make it way more entertaining and so that Mr. Schick wouldn't have to correct me and would just keep on going and just winging it. That is how you present not reading words off a screen and going on to any further detail. That is why I did not like the class today.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Western Civ

Today in western civilization we worked on our powerpoint and that has been what we are doing for a while. Me and Kishan are ready to present and we are drinking water, pumping iron, and eating at subway. I have a request. I have a shirt that has the words wok and roll and it is from Disney. I want to put in on on the day that we present because i'm ready to wok and roll. Tell me in a comment that I can wear it that day for only the presentation. Thank you because it will make it that much better.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Western Civ

Today in western civ we talked about Egypt and how they advanced in there civilization much quicker than others.One perfect example is the calender. One guy saw the patterns in the seasons, stars, and, moons.This was a fantastic invention that has been used for thousands of years. Another is the pyramids and that they were built so well that not even a knife would fit through them. If the king was there he would be proud to see his pyramids. But he is dead so he will not be seeing that anytime soon.

You're Welcome

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Western Civ.....

Today in western civ, it was a nightmare. I and a partner had to go on a web site where there is a game that you have to build your own pyramid. So I was like okay, it's a game, how hard can it be? Well I had to pick a bunch of stuff such as; What angle do you want to have your pyramid at? How many workers do you want? Where do you want  to put your pyramid down? Stuff like that and if you had do many of something or something was not right, you had to start all over again. Then there was this game and don't even get me started with that! You had to take a boat and steer it through obstacles and not to take damage but, the longer your took, you could have been sent back and start all the way from the beginning. Then there was that if you picked the wrong god, then something bad would happen to you. This was awful and stressful and it made me angry.

You're Welcome

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Western Civilization

Today in western Civilization we talked about settlements some more. We watched a video that had an author named John talking about ancient civilizations that had ways to become successful such as farming and domesticating animals such as pigs, cows, llamas, cattle, sheep, goats,and camels. The elephant was t hard to train and took 22 months to have a baby making the elephant useless. They are also so big so they couldn't be tamed and then trained to use there mass to carry and push big items. The animals also need grass to gaze on so they had to be moved quite a bit. That must have to be a pain but they had a lot of benefits for there society.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Western Civilization

Today in Western Civilization, we talked about how Jared Diamond was right on with his guess that people in the BC times that had successful civilizations all had the best crops, best animals to farm out of such cows, pigs and sheep. These people quickly figured out different ways of working and had different skills. Also, women were not gathering anymore, they could have more children to make the numbers in there group larger so more work could be done in the future. Papua New Guinea was not so lucky and had no good crops or animals. Still back then inventions were being slowly made and it was a long time before technology that was very productive and was made very fast was beginning to kick in. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jared Was Right

Jared Diamond was right on or pretty darn close with his theory of geographic luck. He says that the people in the Middle East or Northeast Africa (like where Egypt is located at.). These people got the top crops such as wheat which has lots of protein, fast to grow and can be stored for a long period of time. When the people stopped hunting and gathering which was much harder then growing plants because there is lots of travel, you have to stay in caves and if there is no food, you have to move on. Now that there are these crops that the settlers found and all of it's benefits, you now can start to build your group of people, learn new skills and become something different then the rest.These people lived on there little farms and start the modern style of living. That is why the middle east grew so fast and when it was time to leave to go to Europe and Asia, they were ready to start right away and go into the future. When you look at all of the successful civilizations of the ancient times such as Egypt, Rome, Greece, they were all around the Middle East.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

West Civ

Today, west civ has started. I'm am excited a little bit and kind of bummed.  I really like our human geo class and this class is probably is not a exciting. I hope that this class will prove me wrong. I'm more a current events guy not a history one. At least it's not American history that I get pounded with every single year for social studies and I bet that I will be trampled by it again. I understand now why we were talking about Jared  Diamond  (who to me is just another smart man, nothing special about him.) and his "great" book Guns, Germs and Steel. He was very boring in the video. Anyway I hope that this class goes well and that I will enjoy it.